Intermarium mod hearts of iron 4 steam
Intermarium mod hearts of iron 4 steam

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At the time PCR become a place of destination for different revolutionaries such as Leon Trotsky or Nadezhda Krupskaya.

Intermarium mod hearts of iron 4 steam full#

Although he decided to find a peaceful solution, strong tension between PCR and FRWF on one side and USSR on the other have remained.ġ925-36 – during this decade both Rosa Luxemburg and Nestor Makhno cooperate and introduce original political, economical and social solutions, which allow them to strengthen their countries and sustain status quo in relations with Russia, where Stalin is still fighting for full consolidation of his power until 1934. His power was too weak to discipline allies immediately. Stalin poses a threat for both countries, but they do not agree to fulfill his demands. He has not managed to erase all his political antagonists since a lot of them escaped to PCR and FRWF. Stalin becames the new leader of the Bolshevik State, but at the price of disintegration of his power. Polish Communist Republic (PCR) and Socialist Republic of Western Ukraine (SRWU) gain independence, but stay in Comintern.ġ924 – after the death of Lenin power struggles in Russia have a bit different output.

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She loses Eastern Ukraine to an anarchist uprising led by Nestor Makhno, who proclaims the Free Republic of Wild Fields (FRWF). Tired communist empire is unable to keep direct control of all their territory. The worsening of Lenin’s health causes inner tensions in the USSR, and hence withdrawal of the Red Army to Russia. *1920-22* – Bolshevist try to extend the revolution to Germany, but exhausted after the war with Poland they sustain losses and focus on building fortifications on western border of Poland. *1920* – The Bolshevists win the battle of Warsaw and conquer Second Polish Republic which from now on is known as Polish Communist Republic (PCR) with Rosa Luxemburg as the leader. With other survivors like Gustav Landauer, Erich Michson and Bruno Traven, she fights her way to Poland. *1919* – Rosa Luxeburg is not executed after the fall of Spartacist Uprising in Berlin. Timeline: *main changes in historical events outcome* Hubert Gromny initated project, took part in discussions and prepared graphic elements.

Intermarium mod hearts of iron 4 steam mod#

They designed the main feature of the mod (new political focus tree section for Poland) along with Łukasz Pleśniarowicz, who also modified the game to a playable mod available on Steam (link).

intermarium mod hearts of iron 4 steam

Historical fiction was created by two Polish theorists – Jan Sowa and Krzysztof Wolański.

Intermarium mod hearts of iron 4 steam download#

On the beginning of the post I will sketch the possible chain of events and then present a project of a focus tree, at the end you can find a link to steam workshop from where you can download and test the mod prepared according to alternative history mentioned above. Rosa Luxemburg.īelow I would like to present you the idea for the game in which Rosa Luxemburg is still alive in 1936 and during the span between 19 she undertook some radical political actions. Let’s say this figure was a philosopher, economist and revolutionary who, historically, had been killed at the end of German Revolution of 1918-19. Let’s say one historical figure escaped death and followed her political ambitions. Imagine the game extended by minoritarian narrations of history, which could have happened if only historical conjunction would be a little bit different. If such historical relevancy is a great quality of the game, maybe in the future it would be rendered more complex. Although the player has the possibility to make a lot of different decisions during the game, his choice is limited to solutions that represent political mainstream of the dramatic period of 1936-1948. The sheer possibility of struggling for alternative sequel of macro political events is one of the most immersive qualities of the game. Hearts of Iron is one of the games, which make the player one of instrumental actors who render the possible path of history.

Intermarium mod hearts of iron 4 steam